favorite gift you've ever received
- miu
2025/01/18 (Sat) 05:24:56
Re: favorite gift you've ever received - lemon
2025/02/01 (Sat) 00:52:21
a fruit themed teacup and stirring spoons
Re: favorite gift you've ever received
- may
2025/02/04 (Tue) 13:07:22
my friend knitted me a pillow!!!!
Re: favorite gift you've ever received
- angel
2025/02/18 (Tue) 03:57:53
this was on my 7th birthday but this big pinkie pie plush was an amazing gift. the ipad i got as a surprise for christmas when i was 14 is another one though (i’m typing on it rn!). i also got a dog for my 13th birthday, but he’s not a gift. he’s my BROTHER
What did you eat today? - anon
2024/09/19 (Thu) 19:59:50
Well? Share!
(I had an omelette and coffee.)
Re: What did you eat today? - punki
2024/09/26 (Thu) 11:37:34
left over sushi (☆▽☆)
Re: What did you eat today?
- sunny
2024/10/03 (Thu) 14:14:01
i had creamy dill chicken and a caprisun
very tasty, took forever to cook
Re: What did you eat today? - .
2024/10/05 (Sat) 02:10:45
o m g that dill chicken sounds delicous
i had a yakult and a pumpkin cookie.
No Title - Wanderlust
2024/10/08 (Tue) 15:54:08
'Kaiseki Omakase'seem delicious
Re: What did you eat today? - Mew
2024/10/29 (Tue) 04:04:50
I had vanilla yogurt with frozen berries, it's like having pudding for breakfast
meow meow and eh eh hello! - Kitti4lulz
2024/12/16 (Mon) 04:13:20
hihi, this is meowmeow and eheh
eheh: we found this site at random and this place is sooo coolzies!!!
meowmeow: itss really awesome and we luv 2 see the interactions between everyonez!^^
my love - yanot
2024/09/23 (Mon) 19:36:30
theres this one guy named davrie, im literally so gay for him. its genuinely insane. /s
Re: my love - punki
2024/09/26 (Thu) 11:40:05
hiii - flower Ꮚ˘ ꈊ ˘ Ꮚ
2024/09/12 (Thu) 05:59:15
2024/09/12 (Thu) 23:33:21
woah I don't know how you found this before I publicly posted the link LOL but thanks for posting :3c
Re: hiii - kawiwi
2024/09/15 (Sun) 12:18:39
hello world!